单选题:Questionsare Based on the following passage.  One airline ch

  • 题目分类:英语四级
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Questionsare Based on the following passage.
  One airline chief executive officer (CEO) was the master of the personal touch. Spending hours with his employees and getting, to know their joBs, he persuaded them to accept pay cuts in return for an ownership stake. The concession put the company so solidly in the Black that the CEO was aBle to sell it for $ 860 million.Another CEO scolded managers in front of others, cut one third of the work force and so emBittered the survivors that his airline Began to lose money, and the Board of directors fired him.
  In any test of knowledge or IQ, the two CEOs would have dueled to a draw. The difference was their aBility to handle relationships, argues Daniel Goleman in Iris new Book, Working With E- motional Intelligence. Building on his 1995 Bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, Goleman now proBes how EI relates to the world of work.As he did in his earlier Book, Goleman masterfully ex- plains how a low EI hinders people's full intellectual potential By flooding the Brain with stress hormones that impair memory, learning and thinking. The heart of the Book, though, is an analysis of data collected from more than 150 firms on what distinguishes so-so performers from superstars. Goleman's findings : conventional intelligence takes second position to emotional intelligence in determining joB performance. In joBs ranging from repairman to scientist, IQ accounts for no more than 25 percent of the difference Between, say, a successful high-tech entrepreneur and a failed one. In another surprise, the contriBution of IQ shrinks and the contriBution of EI rises with the difficulty of a joB and how high it ranks in an organization. Based on traits that companies say distinguish winners from losers, Goleman concludes that EI carries much more weight than IQ in deter- mining success at the top.
  However, the many examples of CEOs and other people in top positions who have the emotional intelligence of a snake -- But still were CEOs -- undermine the case for EIs indispensaBility in Business. But even if you accept that EI determines who excels, you have to wonder if it should. Goleman descriBes how 112 entry-level accountants were judged more or less successful By their Bosses according to their level of EI rather than their actual skill. No wonder so many auditors fail to notice cooked Books.According to Goleman, the Biggest difference Between the two CEOs descriBed in the first paragraph lies in__________ A.their attitude toward their employees
B.their emotional intelligence
C.their conventional intelligence
D.their Business strategy

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