选择题:1. The statement that children learn by imitation

1. The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because ___________.
A) they only imitate authorities and experts
B) they are not willing to copy their parents
C) the process of identification has been ignored
D) the nature of their imitation as form of behavior has been neglected.
2. For a child the first element in his learning by imitation is ___________.
A) the need to find an authority
B) the need to find a way to achieve the desired result
C) the need for more affection from his parents
D) the desire to meet the standards of his social group
3. Apart from achieving his desired results, a child should also learn to ___________.
A) behave properly
B) attain his goal as soon as possible
C) show his affection for his parents
D) talk quietly
4. Children tend to imitate their models ___________.
A) who do not criticize them
B) who bring them unexpected rewards
C) whom they want to be like
D) whose social status is high
5. “An identifying figure” (Lines 1-2, Para. 5) refers to a person ___________.
A) who serves as model for others
B) who is always successful
C) who can be depended upon
D) who has been rewarded for his success

24.挑选分类活动一般适用于( )(本题2.0分)A. 大班B. 中班C. 小班D. 小班和中班

24.挑选分类活动一般适用于( )(本题2.0分)A. 大班B. 中班C. 小班D. 小班和中班


由出租人向承租企业提供租赁设备,并提供设备维修保养和人员培训等的服务性业务,这种租赁形式为( )。

由出租人向承租企业提供租赁设备,并提供设备维修保养和人员培训等的服务性业务,这种租赁形式为( )。A A. 融资租赁B B. 经营租赁C C. 直接租赁D D
