单选题:David got a higher grade in the final exam, for, you see, he 题目分类:英语 题目类型:单选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: David got a higher grade in the final exam, for, you see, he made _______ mistakes.( ) 参考答案: 答案解析:
According to the passage, the baseball and encouragement off According to the passage, the baseball and encouragement offered by the man 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案
根据下列文字,回答题。In the first paragraph, the telephone number is c 根据下列文字,回答题。In the first paragraph, the telephone number is cited to show 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案
据测定,香水和化妆品中,有多种物质极易挥发。大多数芳香剂对神经系统有毒,少数还可导致造血系统损害,对皮肤粘膜有刺激作用等 据测定,香水和化妆品中,有多种物质极易挥发。大多数芳香剂对神经系统有毒,少数还可导致造血系统损害,对皮肤粘膜有刺激作用等。对一般人来说,偶尔地使用芳香剂不至于造 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案