单选题:请根据短文内容,回答题。Cell Phone Lets Your Secret OutYour cell phone h

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Cell Phone Lets Your Secret Out
Your cell phone holds secrets about you. Besides the names and__________ (1) that you've programmed into it, traces of your DNA linger (逗留 ) on the device, according to a new study.
DNA is genetic material that __________(2) in every cell. Like your fingerprint, your DNA is unique to you__________ (3) you have an identical twin. Scientists today routinely analyze DNA in blood, saliva (唾液) , or hair left__________ (4) at the scene of a crime. The results often help detectives identify__________(5) and their victims. Your cell phone can reveal more about you __________ (6)you might think.
Meghan J. McFadden, a scientist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, heard about a crime in which the suspect bled onto a cell phone and later dropped the__________ (7). This made her wonder whether traces of DNA lingered on cell phones--even when no blood was involved.__________ (8) she and colleague Margaret Wallace of the City University of New York analyzed the flip-open phones of 10 volunteers. They used swabs (药签) to collect __________ (9) traces of the users from two parts of the phone: the outside, where the user holds it, and the __________(10), which is placed at the user's ear.
The scientists scrubbed the phones using a solution made mostly __________(11) alcohol. The aim of washing was to remove all detectable traces of DNA. The owners got their phones __________(12) for another week. Then the researchers collected the phones and repeated the swabbing of each phone once more.
The scientists discovered DNA that __________(13) to the phone's speaker on each of the phones. Better samples were collected from the outside of each phone, but those swabs also picked up DNA that belonged to other people who had apparently also handled the phone.__________ (14), DNA showed up even in swabs that were taken immediately after the phones were scrubbed(擦洗).
That suggests that washing won't remove all traces of evidence from a criminal's device. So cell phones can now be added to the__________ (15) of clues that can decide a crime-scene investigation.
_________ A.numbers


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一、背景 甲安装公司在海边基地承接海上作业平台模块的陆地预制工程。模块重2.3万t,分6层。钢结构焊接连接。乙单位是甲公司的防腐分包商。本结构的防腐采用在防



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一、背景 某施工单位承担了一个厂区内管道安装工程。项目部不设立资料员专门管理技术文件资料,要求各专业责任工程师管理本专业的技术文件资料,资料使用完后交回技术部
