选择题:甲教唆15周岁的乙实施盗窃,乙按照甲的教唆盗窃了一辆价值1万元的摩托车。对此案的正确处理是( 题目分类:考研 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 甲教唆15周岁的乙实施盗窃,乙按照甲的教唆盗窃了一辆价值1万元的摩托车。对此案的正确处理是( )。A.甲与乙共同构成盗窃罪,甲是主犯,乙是从犯B.甲与乙共同构成盗窃罪,甲是教唆犯,乙是实行犯C.甲构成教唆罪,乙构成盗窃罪D.甲单独构成盗窃罪 参考答案:
下列情形中,应当数罪并罚的是( )。A.甲除走私1000克冰毒外,还曾与他人共同运输3000克海洛因 B. 下列情形中,应当数罪并罚的是( )。A.甲除走私1000克冰毒外,还曾与他人共同运输3000克海洛因 B. 分类:考研 题型:选择题 查看答案
One possible response, when the program “Dr. Phil” was first presented on TV, that One possible response, when the program “Dr. Phil” was first presented on TV, that 分类:考研 题型:选择题 查看答案
The recovery strategy by Ahold’s management includes _____[A] avoiding the next acc The recovery strategy by Ahold’s management includes _____[A] avoiding the next acc 分类:考研 题型:选择题 查看答案
Anders Moberg thought that if his salary had been announced earlier, _____.[A] the Anders Moberg thought that if his salary had been announced earlier, _____.[A] the 分类:考研 题型:选择题 查看答案
The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S. ________.[A] are resistant to homogen The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S. ________.[A] are resistant to homogen 分类:考研 题型:选择题 查看答案