单选题:阅读文章,回答题:Directions: After reading the followingpassage, you

Directions: After reading the followingpassage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, num bered36 to 40.For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A., B., C.andD.. You should make the correct choice and markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.
Thus far, there is little evidence tosuggest that technology will reduce inequality; indeed it may only inten- sifyinequality. Technology is costly and it is generally impossible to introduceadvances to everyone at the same time. So who gets this access first? As wetravel further and further along the electronic frontier through advances suchas tetecommuting (在家办公) and the Internet, the poor may be isolated from mainstream societyin an"information ghetto(贫民窟) ".
Drawing on a survey, the Census Bureau(国家调查局) estimated that only6.8 percent of households earn- ing less than $ 10,000 had home computers,compared to 61.7 percent of those with incomes of $ 75,000 or more. This issuegoes beyond individual interest or lack of interest in computers.
The technological advances of the presentand future may not be equally beneficial to men and women. Many studies haveshown that computer games, which serve as an important means of earlysocialization to com- puters, typically involve sports or skills associatedwith the traditional male role. As a result computers camps have become mainlymale settings.
Like money, food, and other resources,technology is unevenly distributed within societies and throughout the world.The technology gap is widening rather than narrowing. Although nations areexchanging technical data more freely than before, critical technology transferis often kept back. The technology exported to developing countries may bepoorly suited to the conditions of their economies and workplaces.
According to the writer, "information ghetto" is causedby______________ A.the strict control of information
B.the rapid technological advances
C.the complete isolation of the poor
D.the existence of mainstream society


Whata (self) _____________girl you are ; let the other child

Whata (self) _____________girl you are ; let the other children share your toys.



某企业2011年利润表显示:净利润300万元,所得税l50万元,利息费用50万元,则该企业2011年的已获利息倍数为(  )。A.6 B.7 C.8 D.10


下列关于远期利率协议的说法,正确的是(  )。

下列关于远期利率协议的说法,正确的是(  )。A.利率按差额结算 B.资金流动量大 C.需要交付本金 D.不存在信用风险


②编制企业2012年3月份的科目汇总表。 科目汇总表会计科目借方发生额贷方发生额应付账款银行存款原材料短期借款实收资本合

②编制企业2012年3月份的科目汇总表。 科目汇总表会计科目借方发生额贷方发生额应付账款银行存款原材料短期借款实收资本合计


According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision

According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one h
