单选题:Passage 3Questions are based on the following passage(80)As

Passage 3
Questions are based on the following passage
(80)As the Titanic was sinking and women and children climbed into lifeboats,the m,usicians from the ship's band stood and played.They died When the ship went down.men stood on the deck alld smoked cigarettes.They died,t00.This behavior is puzzling to economlsts,who llke to believe that people tend to act in their own self interest.“There was no pushin9,”says DaVld SaV ageaIl econos rortsrom the,mist at Queensland University in Australia who has studied witnessurvivors.It was“very,very orderly behavior Savage has comppared the behavior of the passengers on the Titanic with those on the Lusitanla,aIlother sllip mat also sank at about the same time.But when the Lusitania went down,the pa58en gers panicked(恐慌).There were a lot of similarities between these two events·The8e‘w0 8hlp8were bom luxury ones,they had a similar number of passengers and a similar number of survlV ors.
The biggest difference,Savage concludes,was time.The Lusitania sank in less than 20 n11nutes.But for the Titanic,it was tw0.and_a-half hours.“If you’ve got an eVent that lasts tw0 and a_half hours.social order will take over and everybody will behave in a soclal manner,Say age says.“If you're going down in under l7 minutes,basically it’s,instinctual·”0n the Titanic,social order mled,aIld it was women and children first.On the Lusitania,instinct won out.Thesurvivors were largely the people who could swim and get into the lifeboats Yes.we're self-interested,Savage ways.But we’re also part of a society.Given time,s0cial norms(规范)can beat our natural self-interest.A hundred years a90,women and children al waVs went first.Men were stoic(坚忍的).On the Titanic,there was enough rime for these nom8
to become forceful.
According to the author,economists were confused because ________. A.People’s behavior was disorderly on the Titanic
B.People did not act in their own interest on the Titanic
C.most men did not act in their own interest on the Lusitania
D.women and children could not climb into the lifeboats.



汪某与李某拟设立一注册资本为50万元的有限责任公司,其中汪某出资30万元,李某出资20万元。在他们拟订的公司章程中,下列条款不合法的是(  )。A.公司不设董事


下列关于物权优先效力的表述中,正确的是(  )。

下列关于物权优先效力的表述中,正确的是(  )。A.在同一标的物上,物权与债权同时存在时,债权的效力强于物权 B.房屋出售时,承租人在同等条件下具有优先购买权



全家4口人,父亲比母亲大3岁,姐姐比弟弟大2岁。四年前他们全家的年龄和为58岁,而现在是73岁。问现在父亲、母亲的年龄是多少?(  )A.32.29 B.34,


下列属于财务成果计算、处理环节的是(  )。

下列属于财务成果计算、处理环节的是(  )。A.利润的计算 B.收入计算 C.所得税的计算 D.利润分配和弥补亏损


(  )是会计核算的主要环节。<br>

(  )是会计核算的主要环节。A.确认、计量、记录和报告 B.填制会计凭证和登记账簿 C.计划、监督和分析 D.记账、算账、报账
