单选题:根据以下材料,回答题There is one kind of pain for which nobody has yet

根据以下材料,回答题 There is one kind of pain for which nobody has yet devised a cure--the pain that comes from the ending of a relationship. The relationship~it can be a marriage, a love affair, or a deep friend- ship, in fact, any emotional bond between two people--may have come to an abrupt but premedi- tated end, or it may have simply fizzled out as people and circumstances change. You may have been the one to break it off, or you may have been on the receiving end a brief phone call, a "Dear John" letter such as soldiers at the front used to dread receiving from their girlfriends back home who had got tired of waiting, or simply a quiet fading away.
Although there is no cure for grief, we cannot help looking for one to ease the pain, and help us forget our tears. We seek refuge in other relationships, keep ourselves busy with work, try tc immerse ourselves in our hobbies. Perhaps we start to drink a little more than is good for us tc"drown our sorrows", or we heed the conventional advice and ioin a club or society.
Moreover, we are always in a hurry to get rid of our grief. It is as if we were ashamed of it, feeling that we should be able to "pull ourselves together", and trying to convince ourselves as we bite on the pillow that we are much too old to be crvinz.
It is not'easy to explain why we adopt this attitude to emotional pain, when it would never oc- cur to us to suggest that we ought to overcome physical pain by a simple effort of will power. Part of the answer must lie in the nature of grief itself. When the love affair dies, you cannot believe that you will ever find another to replace the one who has zone so completely out of your life.
And yet, grief is like one of those illnesses that must run their course, regardless of what we might do. Memories do fade, a healing skin does start to grow over the wound, the intervals between sudden glimpses of the love you have lost do get longer and longer, and bit by bit, painfully, life re- sumes its normal flow. Such is the perversity of human nature that we can even start to feel guilty as these things start to happen, as if it were an insult to the lost loved one that we can begin to forget at all.
How much time is needed will vary from person to person, but psychiatrists have a role of thumb : your grief will last as long as the original relationship. The sad thing is that when the break- down occurs we can only stumble forward over the stones beneath our feet. It is dark ahead and we must be prepared to fall painfully many times on the way before we begin to discern the light at the end of the tunnel. A. Some bury their grief deep inside themselves so that few realize what they are going through; others seek relief by pourithg their hearts out to their friends, or to anyone else who is pre- pared to offer a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. But even our friends after a while start to show their irritation, and suggest with their reproachful glances that it is about time we stopped our crying. They, too, are in a hurry for the thing to be over.
B. The future stretches endlessly and bleakly ahead of you: you are utterly alone and without hope of consolation. Even after many, many months, when you think that you have begun to learn to live without your lost love, something--a familiar place, a snatch of music, a whiff of perfume, a casual work--will suddenly bring the bittersweet memories flooding back. You choke back the tears and the desperate, almost angry feeling that you are no better now than the day the affair ended.
C. The important thing to admit about grief is that it will take its time. By trying to convince ourselves that it ought to be over sooner, we create an additional tension which can only ag- gravate the condition. People who have gone through the agony of a broken relationship--and there must be few who have not--agree that time is the great healer.
D. The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to us. But this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day. The growth of alterative mental interest is a long process.
E. Unfortunately, all of these things do little more than alleviate the symptoms without touching the cause of the ailment.
F. However it ended and whoever took the initiative to end it, the pain is equally intense and hard to bear. It is a sort of death, and it requires the same period of mourning, the same time for grief.

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