选择题:Passage 1 As little children, most of us were taug

Passage 1 As little children, most of us were taught the virtue (美德) of honesty from fairy tales and other stories. The story of Pinocchio, who begins life as a puppet (木偶), teaches us the importance of telling the truth. In the story of young George Washington, who lies about cutting down the cherry tree, we learn that he earns his father’s praise only when he admits what he has done. Even though we know that “honesty is the best policy,” why do we often lie in our everyday life? The fact is that we lie for many reasons. We sometimes lie to minimize (将……最小化) our errors and mistakes. For example, some students might lie to their teachers about unfinished homework. They might say that they left the work at home when, in fact, they didn’t even do the work. These students don’t want to be irresponsible (无责任感的), so they make up a lie to save face. Another reason we lie is to get out of situations we don’t want to be in. If we just don’t want to attend the dorm meeting early on Saturday morning, we might give the excuse: “I’ve been fighting off a cold all week, and I need to sleep on Saturday morning.” We lie because we believe that telling the truth will cause problems. When we don’t know how to say no, we often use lies to avoid difficulties. However, lies are not always negative (消极的); in fact two kinds of lies can yield positive (积极的) results. The first is commonly referred to a

时至今日,计算机仍采用存储程序原理,原理的提出者是_______ 。

时至今日,计算机仍采用存储程序原理,原理的提出者是_______ 。A 莫尔B .比尔;盖次C 冯;诺依曼D 科得


8.最适合在冬季进行的科学教育内容是观察( )(本题2.0分)A. 鹅卵石B. 小草的萌发C. 各种

8.最适合在冬季进行的科学教育内容是观察( )(本题2.0分)A. 鹅卵石B. 小草的萌发C. 各种形状的树叶D. 雾和霜






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