回答题:Movies are me most popular fom of entertainment(娱乐)for millions ofAmeI_icans. They goto the movies to escape tlleir nomaleveryday existence and to experience a life more exciting thant11eir own.They may choose to see a panicular film because they like tlleactors or because theyhave heard the film has a good story.But me main reason why people go to me moVies is to es-cape.Sitting in a dark theater,watching me imageson me screen,tlley enter anotller wodd mat isreal tothem.They becomeinvolved in me lives of me characters in me movie,aIld for teo houes,tlley forget all about meir own problems.Theyare in a dream world where things oftenappear tobe more romantic and beautiful than in real life.
The biggest“dream factories”are in Hollywood,me capital of the filmindusrty.Each year,Hollywoodstudios make hundreds of movies they are well-made.TheypmVide tlle public with herose who domings tlle average person would like to do but often caIl’t.People haVe to cope with manyproblems and much trouble in real lifeso mey feel encouraged whcn they see tlle“good guys”win in me movies.
The Americans go to the moviesmainly because they want_________ A.toenjoy a good stor),
B.to experience aIl exciting 1ife
C.to see the actors aIld actrsses
D.to escape meir daily life