5. 苯巴比妥可与吡啶和硫酸铜试液作用生成( )`A. 绿色络合物 B. 紫堇色络合物 C. 白色胶

5. 苯巴比妥可与吡啶和硫酸铜试液作用生成( )`A. 绿色络合物 B. 紫堇色络合物 C. 白色胶状沉淀 D. 氨气 E. 红色


7. 半合成青霉素的原料是( )A. 7-ACA B. 6-APA C. 6-ASA D. GABA

7. 半合成青霉素的原料是( )A. 7-ACA B. 6-APA C. 6-ASA D. GABA E. PABA


____ the look on his face, he doesn’t quite unders

____ the look on his face, he doesn’t quite understand what the speaker is sayin
