填空题:请根据以下内容回答题  Recently, we will hold a learning tour for those

  Recently, we will hold a learning tour for those English learners. By joining our helpful tour, everyone will find out, at first, specific activities that help to improve your English. Besides that, one can also have access to some interesting language learning materials in the Learning Tour. Moreover, participators will be taught the way to use computers and audio-visual facilities in the center.
  The learning tour will be held every Wednesday and Thursday in different time. The former one is from10:30 to 11: 30am. , while the latter one is 1 : 00 -2: 00pm.
  For registration, people can go to Tin Ping Building on the 4th floor or email your name, ID card No. and date of Joining the tour to Miss Feng at feng@cahk, edu. hk
Information on Learning Tour
By joining the tour, one will find out:
__________46 that help to improve your English.
Interesting language learning __________47 in the tour.
The way to __________48and audio-visual facilities in the center.
Time: Every WednesdaylO: 30 - 11: 30am.
Every Thursday __________49 pm.
For registrations, emall the name, __________50 and the date of joining the tour.

隧道的附属设施不包括(  )。

隧道的附属设施不包括(  )。 A.通风设施 B.照明设施 C.应急设施 D.洞门


使用减水剂可使混凝土(  )。

使用减水剂可使混凝土(  )。 A.提高抗渗能力 B.提高抗冻能力 C.降低抗化学腐蚀能力 D.改善混凝土的耐久性 E.加快水泥水化放热速度



根据《工程建设项目施工招标投标办法》(国家八部委局第30号令),工程建设项目施工评标委员会推荐的中标候选人应当限定在(  )。 A.1~3人 B.2~4人 C.


根据《水利水电工程施工质量评定规程(试行)》(SL176-1996)的有关规定,工程关键部位,指对工程(  )有显著影响

根据《水利水电工程施工质量评定规程(试行)》(SL176-1996)的有关规定,工程关键部位,指对工程(  )有显著影响的部位。 A.投资或进度 B.质量或投资



某水利建筑安装工程的建筑工程单价计算中,直接工程费为Ⅰ,直接费为Ⅱ,间接费为Ⅲ,已知企业利润的费率为χ,则企业利润为(  )。 A.Ⅰ×χ   B.(Ⅰ+Ⅲ)×
