填空题:阅读文章,回答题:Thefirst training class for employees of state-owne

Thefirst training class for employees of state-owned enterprises, sponsored by theState Development and Planning Commission and the Motorola (摩托罗拉) Co.. This is thefirst cooperation project after the two sides signed a memorandum (备忘录) of understanding in April 1997.
The participants in the 10-day classincluded 65 general managers, managerial personnel and techniciansfrom 17enterprises.
According to the memorandum, Motorola willtrain personnel from 1,000 enterprises over a five-year peri- od. The trainingfocuses on business management, financial management, market plan, qualitycontrol, manage- ment skill and labor resources management. It also includeshigh-level training for selected personnel and assis tance in financing forsome enterprises in equipment innovation (革新).
Motorola hopes to promote advanced business management skills throughthe project, and train sales peoplefor its projects.
The training project will last for46______________

It is impossible mat_____________________(她能按时还钱).

It is impossible mat_____________________(她能按时还钱).


In a study, Danner found the nuns __________lived 8 to 10 ye

In a study, Danner found the nuns __________lived 8 to 10 years longer.


开放式基金单位的买入价主要取决于(  )。

开放式基金单位的买入价主要取决于(  )。A.基金收益率 B.基金存续期限 C.基金总规模 D.基金单位净资产值


预收账款、应收账款、应收票据、应付债券属于流动负债。(  )

预收账款、应收账款、应收票据、应付债券属于流动负债。(  )


下列项目中,在资产负债部分反映的有(  )。

下列项目中,在资产负债部分反映的有(  )。 A.预收账款 B.营业外收入 C.长期应付款 D.未分配利润
