选择题:Read the following passage carefully and complete

Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items

A Wrong Man in Workers’ Paradise

(1) The man had never believed in mere utility.

(2) Having had no useful work, he indulged in mad whims. He made little pieces of sculpture—men, women and castle, quaint earthen things dotted over with sea-shells. He painted. Thus he wasted his time on all that was useless, needless. People laughed at him. At times he vowed to shake off his whims, but they lingered in his mind.

(3) Some boys seldom ply their books and yet pass their tests. A similar thing happened to this man. He spent his earth life in useless work and yet after his death the gates of Heaven opened wide for him.

(4) But mistakes are unavoidable even in Heaven. So it came to pass that the aerial messenger who took charge of the man made a mistake and found him a place in Workers’ Paradise.

(5) In this Paradise you find everything except leisure.

(6) Here men say: “God! We haven’t a moment to spare.” Women whisper: “Let’s move on, time’s a-flying.” All exclaim: “Time is precious.” “We have our hands full, we make use of every single minute,” they sigh complainingly, and yet those words make them happy and exalted.

(7) But this newcomer, who had passed all his life on Earth without doing a scrap of useful work, did not fit in with the scheme of things in Workers’ Paradise. He loung

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1.刘某,男,5 岁。于 7 月 10 日就诊时,上额部见 2 个各约 3cm 大小的肿块,上有黄白

1.刘某,男,5 岁。于 7 月 10 日就诊时,上额部见 2 个各约 3cm 大小的肿块,上有黄白色脓头,周围色红而硬,伴发热,纳食不香,口渴引饮,小便黄。苔



