选择题:18. As a result of Williams’ work _________.A. he 题目分类:大学英语第二册 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 18. As a result of Williams’ work _________.A. he did not get enough sleepB. the dog grew accustomed to travelling by trainC. there was an oily smell from his clothes D. the dog was confused about the time of the day 参考答案:
下面四句话中有一句缺一个必不可少的“的”,请找出这一句:A.驰名中外的大型水利工程都江堰,解决了岷江 下面四句话中有一句缺一个必不可少的“的”,请找出这一句:A.驰名中外的大型水利工程都江堰,解决了岷江泛滥问题,使受益农田达三百多万亩。B.《人民日报》的一篇报道 分类:大学英语第二册 题型:选择题 查看答案
18.The writer thinks the failure of a building ___ 18.The writer thinks the failure of a building _______. A. concerns others 分类:大学英语第二册 题型:选择题 查看答案
34. His mind was busy all day, all night on how he 34. His mind was busy all day, all night on how he could re-establish ________ 分类:大学英语第二册 题型:选择题 查看答案
2.Which of the following statements about news sto 2.Which of the following statements about news stories is true? A. News stories 分类:大学英语第二册 题型:选择题 查看答案
道德产生的主观条件是( )。A、个人利益与集体利益矛盾 B、人的自我意识C、社会分工的不同 道德产生的主观条件是( )。A、个人利益与集体利益矛盾 B、人的自我意识C、社会分工的不同 D、社会关系 分类:大学英语第二册 题型:选择题 查看答案