Fruit and Vegetables juiees as bemeticial to hemlth as fruits and veggiesA European study has revealed that 100 pereent fruit and vegetable juiees are as effective as their whole fruit/Vegetable counterparts in reducing risk factors related to certain diseases.The conelusion is the result of the study designed to question traditionalthinking that 100 percent iuiees play a less significant role in Ieducing risk for both cancer and cardiovaseular disease than whole fruits and vegetables.
Juiees are comparable in their ability to redlice risk compared to their whole fruit/vegetable courterparts,aeeording to several researchers in the United Kingdon who conducted the literature rleView.The researehers arialyzed a variety of studies that looked at risk reduction attributed to. the effects of both fiber and antioxidants.As a result,they deteiTnined that the positive impaet fruits and
Vegetables offer come not from just the fiber but also from antioxidants which are present in both juice and the whole fruits and vegetables.
“When considering cancer and coronary heart disease prevention,there is no evidence that pure fruit and Vegetable juices are less beReficial than whole fruit and vegetables” the researehers said.The researehers added that the positioning of juices as being niltritionally inferior to whole fruits and Vegetables in relationship to chrOBic disease development is“unjustified”and that policies,which sug-gest otherwise about fruit and vegetable juices,should be re—examined.
The researchers who authored the paper suggest that more studies in certain area are needed to bolster their findings.“Although this independent review of the 1iterature is not designed to foeus on any particular 100 percent juice,it does go a long way in demonstrating that fruit and vegetable Juices do play an imponantant role in reducing the risk of various diseases,especiallv caReer and cardiovaseular disease,”said Sue Taylor. Her opinion is in agreement with the Juice Products Association ,a non-profit organization not associated with this research.She added that appropriate amounts of juices should be included in the diet of both children and aduhs,following guidelines established by leading health authorities.Taylor also points to a large epidemiological study,published in the September 2006 issue of the Journal of Medicine,which found that consumption of a variety of 1 00 percent fruit and vegetable juices was associated with a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
In fact, that study found that individuals who drank three or more servings of fruit and vegetable juices per week had a 76 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than those who drank juice less than once per week.The study was published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutritiont.