单选题:根据短文回答题。60th Anniversary Ceremony in Moscow1 With thousands

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根据短文回答题。60th Anniversary Ceremony in Moscow1 With thousands of soldiers and war veterans parading across Moscow's Red Square and fighter jets screaming overhead,Russia celebrated the 60‘"anniversary of defeating Nazi German y.More than 50 world leaders,including China's President Hu Jinta0, attended the ceremony.
2 Speaking at the start of the parade,Russia's President Vladimir Putin praised all those who fought for freedom and independence."The war shows that resorting to force to solve problems will result in tragedy for the world,SO a peaceful order should be safeguarded(护卫)based on security, justice and cultural exchange,"Putin said."Faced with the real threat of terrorism today,we must remain faithful to tile memory of our fathers。It is our duty to defend a world order based ON security and justice and on a new culture of relations among nations that will not allow a repeat of any war,neither‘cold'nor ‘hot',"he continued.
3 The Second World War is perhaps the most catastrophic(灾难性的)event that mankind has ever suffered.The war affected 80 per cent of the world's people at that time,from 6 1 countries,and claimed 55 million lives.
4 After the celebration,President Hu said that peace,development and cooperation were the future."China will unswervingly(坚定地)follow the road of peace and development and will make a joint effort with all nations to contribute to safeguarding world peace and promoting development,he said.
5 German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder asked Russia for forgiveness for the suffering Germany inflicted(造成)during the Second World War in an article in Sunday's Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper."Today we ask forgiveness for the suffering inflicted upon the Russian people and other peoples at the hands of Germans and in the name of Germans,"Schroeder said.
6 President Hu and the other leaders also joined a wreath(花圈)laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers on' Monday.Paragraphs 2__________ A.Pacific war
B.Gloomy world
C.Putin'S commemorating speech
D.China'S determination
E.Schroeder'S plea for forgiveness
F.World'S worst disaster

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