

根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 以下是某教师的课堂教学片段: (教师拿出若干不同颜色的礼物盒摆在桌上,然后将一个玩具汽车快速藏人其中一个盒 子里,请学生猜玩具在哪个盒子里) T:Where is the car? S:Is it in the red box? T:Maybe. T:Now let’S see where the cat is…Look!It’s in the yellow box.(教师用PPT呈现课文人物John的照片) T:Look at this photo.He’s John.He’s an American boy.He lives in our city.He studies in our school.But today he’s not in the classroom.Where is John?Guess,please! S:Is he at home? T:Maybe. S:Is he in the supermarket? T:Perhaps. S:Is he in the park? T:We don’t know.Now,let’s listen to the conversation and find out the answer. (教师用PPT呈现问题Where is John?并播放课文录音) T:Where is John? S:He’s at home. T:It’s school time.Whv is he at home? S:He is ill. T:John is ill.I’ll go and see him.Would you like to come with me? S:Yes. T:Let’s go. (教师用PPT呈现John躺在卧室床上的画面) T:Yes!He is in the bedroom.What’S the matter with him? S:He is ill. (教师组织学生做游戏操练对话的重点和难点Where is…?及其回答) 在以上材料中,教师在复习导人环节、课文教学环节、语言操练环节分别创设了不同情境,阅读后请分别对其所使用的创设方法及其在教学中的作用进行分析。





Which of the following has the proper word stress?A.scientific B.Scientific C.sC

Which of the following has the proper word stress?A.scientific B.Scientific C.sC


In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does pov...

In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does pov...





Which of the following statements about Audio-lingual Method is wrong?A.The meth

Which of the following statements about Audio-lingual Method is wrong?A.The meth
