选择题:Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glas...


Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light". The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow- blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is observed, and the result is total, even though temporary, snow-blindness. Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is overcome. The scouts shake snow from evergreen bushes in order to_________.

A. give the men behind something to see B. beautify the landscape C. warm themselves in the cold D. prevent the men behind from losing their way


In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does pov...

In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does pov...


To reduce confusion and inefficiency,__________ office supplies should now be...

To reduce confusion and inefficiency,__________ office supplies should now be...


恩格斯称赞一位近代科学家的研究成就是“自然科学的独立宣言”,他指的应是( )。A.哥白尼的“日心说”否定了宗教神学崇信的“地心说” B.伽利略创立的试验科学推动

恩格斯称赞一位近代科学家的研究成就是“自然科学的独立宣言”,他指的应是( )。A.哥白尼的“日心说”否定了宗教神学崇信的“地心说” B.伽利略创立的试验科学推动


在延安时期, ①开展整风运动; ②三五九旅奉命开进南泥湾; ③召开延安文艺工作者座谈 会。上述历史事件出现的先后顺序是( )。A.①③② B.③

在延安时期, ①开展整风运动; ②三五九旅奉命开进南泥湾; ③召开延安文艺工作者座谈 会。上述历史事件出现的先后顺序是( )。A.①③② B.③


循环经济是对生产、流通和消费过程中进行的减量化、再利用、资源化活动的总称。它 __________,__________,__________,___...

循环经济是对生产、流通和消费过程中进行的减量化、再利用、资源化活动的总称。它 __________,__________,__________,___...
