下面关于文学常识的表述,错误的一项是(  )(3分)

下面关于文学常识的表述,错误的一项是(  )(3分)


下列关于作家作品搭配不正确的一项是(  )。

下列关于作家作品搭配不正确的一项是(  )。


I left university with a good degree in English Literature, but no sense of what

I left university with a good degree in English Literature, but no sense of what I wanted to do. Ove


The underlined letters in the following words have the same sound except________

The underlined letters in the following words have the same sound except________.


Even plant can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or d

Even plant can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or disease. But unlike h
