选择题:Question 64-65 refer to the following information.Techno DatabaseManageme...


Question 64-65 refer to the following information. Techno Database Management 5197 Blackburn Pike Sidney, B.C. Canada V8L5G1 Stephanie Strickland, President E-mail: steph@techdatamgmt.com Tel: 468-298-9935/ Fax: 468-298-9934 www.techdatamgmt.com Techno Database Management provides data storage facilities for information technology and computer networking professional. For only $39.95 per month, subscribes may store up to 5000 gigabytes of data in an offline archive. TDM customer services include 24-hour technical support and free subscription to our online bimonthly newsletter, TDM news. Topics include ratings and reviews of current software and equipment, opinion articles, and a help wanted section directed toward information technology professionals. New customers who pay in advance for three months of offline service before July 30 will receive one month of the free data storage --- that`s nearly $180 value for just under $120! Call or e-mail today to set up your account. What is NOT featured in TDM News?

A. Technical support questions and answers. B. Discussions about computer equipment. C. Assessments of new software. D. Job opportunities for computer technicians.


Topics at the business communication workshop ___defending an argument, synth...

Topics at the business communication workshop ___defending an argument, synth...


The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the business of small...

The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the business of small...


下列不属于通信三要素的是( )。A.信源 B.信宿 C.信道 D.电信

下列不属于通信三要素的是( )。A.信源 B.信宿 C.信道 D.电信


《中华人民共和国反垄断法》对于行政机关或者其授权的部门,其滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为称为( )。A.权力性垄断 B.行政性垄断 C.部门性垄断 D.纵向性垄断

《中华人民共和国反垄断法》对于行政机关或者其授权的部门,其滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为称为( )。A.权力性垄断 B.行政性垄断 C.部门性垄断 D.纵向性垄断


哈佛商学院罗伯特·卡普兰和戴维·诺顿于1992 年发明的一种绩效管理和绩效考核的工具是( )。A.目标管理(MBO,Management by Objects)

哈佛商学院罗伯特·卡普兰和戴维·诺顿于1992 年发明的一种绩效管理和绩效考核的工具是( )。A.目标管理(MBO,Management by Objects)
