填空题:根据以下资料,回答题:Read the following text carefully and then trans

Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
That low moaning sound in the background just might be the founding fathers protesting from beyond the grave.They have been doing it ever since the republicans announced a“ religious war” in the name of“ traditional values”.It grew several decibels louder last week when george bush,at a breakfast of religious leaders,attacked the democrats for failing to mention god in their doctrines and declaimed that a president needs to believe in the almighty.What about the constitutional ban on“ religious tests ”for public office ?The founding fathers would want to know.61)What about Tom Jefferson's conviction that it is possible for a nonbeliever to be a moral person, "find incite-ments to virtue in the comfort and pleasantness you feel in its exercise"?Even George Washington must shudder in his sleep to hear the constant emphasis on“ judeo—christian values”.62)1t was he who wrote, "We have abundant reasons to rejoice that in this land...every person may here wor-ship god according to the dictates of his own heart."
George Bush should know better than to encourage the theocratic ambitions of the Christian right.63)He has claimed--to much—ironic scorn--that when he was shot down during World War II and lay floating in the pacific for four hours ,he meditated on"god and faith and the separation of church and state”But there could be no better themes for a patriot to address in his final mo—ments.64) The "wall of separation "the founding fathers built between church and state is one of the best defenses freedom has ever had. Or have we already forgotten why the founding fathers put it up? They had seen enough religious intolerance in the colonies:quaker women were burned at the stake in puritan massachusetts;Virginians could be jailed for denying the bible’s authority. They knew Europe had terribly disfigured itself in a religious War recalled now only by its dura-tion—30 years.65)No wonder John Adams once described the Judeo-Christian tradition as" the most bloody religion that ever existed, "and that the founding fathers took such pains to keep the hand that holds the musket separate from the one that carries the cross


目前,我国证券投资基金的交易费用主要包括(  )等。

目前,我国证券投资基金的交易费用主要包括(  )等。A.印花税 B.交易佣金 C.过户费 D.经手费


符合规定的董事候选人拟被多家基金管理公司聘任的,其应聘任职基金管理公司的数量不应多于(  )。

符合规定的董事候选人拟被多家基金管理公司聘任的,其应聘任职基金管理公司的数量不应多于(  )。A.2个 B.3个 C.5个 D.7个


(  )是一种债券组合管理的混合策略,它既可以满足债券管理者实行积极管理的要求,又可以满足将利率反向变动带来的不利影响最

(  )是一种债券组合管理的混合策略,它既可以满足债券管理者实行积极管理的要求,又可以满足将利率反向变动带来的不利影响最小化的需要。A.应急免疫 B.指数化投资


从近年来我国开放式基金的发展看,以下说法错误的是(  )。

从近年来我国开放式基金的发展看,以下说法错误的是(  )。A.基金品种日益丰富,基本涵盖了国际上主要的基金品种 B.营销和服务创新活跃 C.封闭式基金和开放式基


(  )指与公司关系密切、能够影响公司客户服务能力的各种因素,主要包括股东支持、销售渠道、客户、竞争对手及公众。

(  )指与公司关系密切、能够影响公司客户服务能力的各种因素,主要包括股东支持、销售渠道、客户、竞争对手及公众。A.外部环境 B.宏观环境 C.内部环境 D.微
