单选题:阅读短文,回答题.SMS (Short Message Service) gradually becomes the m

SMS (Short Message Service) gradually becomes the main service for cell phone users for itsgreat charming. In addition, the development of mobile communications technology and servicehas created favorable condition for SMS. For example, MMS, multi-media messaging service, is anew type of message service on the basis of SMS. It allows transmission of multi-media messagesbetween cell phone and computer, as well as between cell phones. Communication with SMS isquite convenient. You can write a message after carefully thinking what you want to say with manywords without worrying about money. Actually, SMS enjoys the absolute majority utilization
among mobile service. In China, the number of short message transmitted is 2,200 billion in 2003.
People, however, feel angry and anxious sometimes while enjoying SMS. More and morerubbish short messages that contain such content as erotic, gambling, or advertising are sent to cellphone users, which seriously violated the user's privacy. Because the sender of these rubbish shortmessages do not take into ~account whether people need them or not, and do not get the permissionfrom users to transmit these rubbish short messages to them.
As we know, everyone has the right to communication freely with other people, and the rightto refuse communication with people they don't like to. But these rights were not guaranteed inSMS. Users do not receive rubbish short messages on a voluntary basis. If you fell angry and disgusted with some rubbish message to your cell phone, and do not want to see it again, that meanssuch message is in contradiction with your wish, and violates your privacy. MMS also promote thetransmission of unhealthy information on the Internet from computer to cell phone, which must extend the scope and influence of rubbish short message.
The rapid development of mobile communications may suffer a lot if there is no change in the way of transmitting SMS. More and more users of cell phone are disturbed by rubbish short messages, and their privacy is violated by mobile communications service, which is also not a benefit for the development of mobile communications service.
has created a good condition for SMS. A.Multi-media messaging service
B.Mobile communications technology
C.Mobile communications service
D.Mobile communications technology and service


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甲、乙、丙、丁四人共同出资设立普通合伙企业,委托合伙人甲单独执行企业事务。下列表述中,符合《合伙企业法》规定的是(  )。A.甲有权自营与合伙企业相竞争的业务


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下列属于涉税代理类服务的有(  )。A.临时涉税咨询 B.代办税务登记 C.代理纳税申报 D.聘请常年税务顾问 E.代理建账建制
