单选题:Breakfast   Studies show that children who eat breakfast do

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  Breakfast   Studies show that children who eat breakfast do better in school, it doesn't take much further thought to believe that adults will feel better and perform better at work as well. Whether you work at home, on the farm, at the office, at school, or on the road, it is not a good idea to skip (故意略去) breakfast.
  If we don't eat breakfast, we are likely to become tired when our brains and bodies run low on fuel. By mid-morning, a lot of us grab a cup of coffee, or wolf down a sugary candy bar to wake up again. This might work .for a few minutes, but by lunchtime we are hungry, bad-tempered, and perhaps our mood might make us a little more likely to make unhealthy choices at lunch. Eating a good breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day.
  People who eat breakfast are generally more likely to maintain a healthy weight. Many people believe that they will lose weight if they skip meals, but that isn't a good idea. The body expects to be refueled a few times a day, so start with a healthy breakfast.
  A healthy breakfast should contain some protein (蛋白质) and some fiber (纤维). Protein can come from meat, eggs, beans, or soy (大豆). Fiber can be found in whole cereals (谷物), grains or in fruits. A good example of a healthy breakfast might be something simple like a hard boiled egg, an orange, and a bowl of whole grain cereal with soy milk.Adults who eat breakfast will perform better at work. A.Right
C.Not mentioned

It took us a long time to mend the house.

It took us a long time to mend the house.A.build B.destroy C.design D.repair


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病人李某,因车祸致脾破裂及右下肢开放性骨折,现已送入急诊室,在医生未到之前,值班护士首先应( )A.报告保卫部门 B.询问受伤经过 C.止血、测量血压、配血、建


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