阅读文章,回答题:People are used to speaking their nativelanguage,SOimmigrants are having many problembetween the first generation and the secondgeneration because they don’t have the same nativelanguage.Also,the second generation is losing theiridentity.Especially in America,therearemany immigrants that came from different countries to succeed in the States.Because they suf-fer in lots of areas such as getting a job andtrying to speak English,they want their children tospeakEnglish,not only at school,butalso at home in order to be more successful.Becauseofthis situation,their children are losing their ethnicidentity.
For example,my aunt,who has beenliving in Chicago for twenty—five years,hasthreechildren and they were all born in the States.Theeighteen—year old daughter speaks English asa native language and she speaksKorean very well t00.She has no problems talking with herparents,"butshe still doesn’t understand Korean jokes,and there aresometimes misunderstand-ings.The second daughter isfourteen years old,and she doesn’t want to speak Korean.Myaunt often gets upset with her because she is very Americanizedand they cannot understandeach other.Even when my auntpunishes her,this daughter does not understand what myauntis talking about.The third child is a twelve—yearold son.He speaks English to his parents andmy auntspeaks Korean to him as she does to the second daughter.He also has a problem com’municating with his parents.My aunt is trying to teach him to speak both languages,but it isvery hard for him because he speaks English all day anddoes not understand why he should learnto speak Korean.
We must realize that language is importantand valuable for many reasons.Immigrantsshould make an effort to make their children understandtheir heritage by teaching them theparents’language.This is very important,not only for the harmony of the family.butalso inhelping the second generation establish their identity.
What do you think this article is about? A.Learning a second language.
B.Immigrants who become sickin the U.S..
C.Schools attended byimmigrants to the U.S..
D.Language and its effect onthe identity of immigrants.