Countless times in my life I've heard “ I have the worst memory in the world.I meet some—one and,a minute later,forget his name.’’
Well,I have news for you.That is not always so.Sometimes you do not forget the name.You do not even hear it in the first place.
Try to recall(回忆)the last time You met a stranger.The introduction probably sounded something 1ike this:“Mr·Jones,say hello to Mr.Fuzafumer.”What you heard was a mumble (嗫嚅)·The thing to do at this point is to say,“I'm sorry,I didn’t catch your name.”
Most people think it isn’t polite to ask to hear a name again.I don't know why.If you make the slightest fuss(大惊小怪)over it,he or she will love you.
Here ale five simple rules to help you remember names:
1.Be sure to hear the name.
2·Ask how the name is spelled.This forces you to pay attention.
3·Make a remark about the name—any remark.For example,“0h,I just met a person with the same name.”0r,“What is that name a derivative(派生词)of?”Whatever.
4·Use the name where it is possible during the talk.
5·Use the name again when you say good.bye.
Remember this:anything that is meaningful is already half-remembered.Names like Flag,Hunter,Rivers,Armstrong already have meaning.But how will you picture.names like Bartosevitch ? Think of“bought a savage”.If you meet someone named Bill,picture a dollar bill.For Richard,picture someone being rich.
The writer thinks that people________ . A.don’t always forget other's names
B.don’t hear others’names
C.never forget others’names
D.have the worst memory