选择题:Which of the following statements is true accordin


Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A) Typing a word on a keyboard is faster than turning pages in a large, heavy dictionary.

B) Software dictionaries rather than paper ones can tell you how to pronounce a word.

C) A paper dictionary can provide more information than a software one.

D) A computer dictionary can present the same information in a cleaner way than a paper one.


1. 从三颗针中提取小檗碱的工艺流程如下,请说明主要划线步骤的原理及目的,并简述生物碱通用的三种显色

1. 从三颗针中提取小檗碱的工艺流程如下,请说明主要划线步骤的原理及目的,并简述生物碱通用的三种显色检识方法
