选择题:( )4. What is the most striking change in UK expor


  ( )4. What is the most striking change in UK exports?
  A. The swing away from the traditional Commonwealth markets and a growing dependence on the market in Western Europe.
  B. Changes in the commodity composition of exports.
  C. The increase of the share of manufactured goods and the decline of the share of basic materials.
  D. the beneficial effect of the export of oil on the UK’s visible trade balance.

1、作为评价投资中心业绩的指标,“剩余收益”的优点是( )。  A、可以使业绩评价与企业目标保持一致

1、作为评价投资中心业绩的指标,“剩余收益”的优点是( )。  A、可以使业绩评价与企业目标保持一致  B、适宜于不同部门之间的比较  C、促使部门经理采纳投资
