单选题:阅读文章,回答题:It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure. w

It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure. what tax heought to pay to the government because it depends on so many different things:whether the man is married; how many children he has; whether he supports anyrelations; how much he earns; how much interest he receives; how much he hasspent on his house during the year, and so on and so forth. All this makes itdifficult to decide exactly how much the tax is.
There was a certain artist who was always very careful to pay theproper amount.
One year, after posting his check as usual, h'e began to wonder ifhe had paid enough, and after a lot of work, with a pencil and paper, hedecided that he had not. He believed that he owed the government something.
He was just writinganother check to send to the tax-collector when the postman dropped a letterinto the box at the front door. Opening it, the artist was surprised to findinside it a check for five pounds from the tax-collector. The officialexplained that too much had been paid, and that therefore the difference wasnow returned to the taxpayer.
It is mentioned in the passage that one has to pay taxaccording to A.how much education one has received
B.whether one is single or married
C.how old one's children are
D.where one lives


国有企业改革的方向是建立现代企业制度。按照产权清晰的要求,企业应拥有(  )。

国有企业改革的方向是建立现代企业制度。按照产权清晰的要求,企业应拥有(  )。 A.资产所有权 B.法人财产权 C.宏观调控权 D.行业管理权


1960年,中共中央开始纠正“大跃进”和人民公社化运动中出现的一些错误。这主要是因为(  )。

1960年,中共中央开始纠正“大跃进”和人民公社化运动中出现的一些错误。这主要是因为(  )。 A.人民公社化运动的弊病充分暴露 B.国民经济出现了严重困难 C


有关材料显示,曾有一群不法分子在西藏自治区首府拉萨市区的主要路段实施打砸抢 烧.焚烧过往车辆,追打过路群众,冲击商场、电

有关材料显示,曾有一群不法分子在西藏自治区首府拉萨市区的主要路段实施打砸抢 烧.焚烧过往车辆,追打过路群众,冲击商场、电信营业网点和政府机关,给当地人民群众生命



