单选题:what idea does the author want to convey in the second parag

  • 题目分类:英语六级
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
what idea does the author want to convey in the second paragraph? A.The rapid development of information technology has taken businessmen by surpris
B.Information technology has removed the restrictions of time and space in business transaction
C.The Internet,intranets,e-mail,and portable computers have penetrated every corner of the worl
D.The way we do business today has brought about startling breakthroughs in information technolog

What does the author really of the idea of having children?

What does the author really of the idea of having children?A.It does more harm t


If businessmen are taxed too much,they will no longer be (  

If businessmen are taxed too much,they will no longer be (  ) to work hard,with


运输业具有( )的特征。

运输业具有( )的特征。A.运输业是一个物质生产部门 B.运输是广义的服务业 C.运输生产和运输消费是同一过程 D.运输业属于第三产业 E.运输业流动资本比重大


Although we tried to concentrate on the lecture,we were (  )

Although we tried to concentrate on the lecture,we were (  ) by the noise form t


项目融资的类型包括( )。

项目融资的类型包括( )。A.产品支付 B.远期购买 C.BOT(建设一经营一移交) D.ABS(资产证券化) E.项目抵押
