单选题:根据下列短文,回答题。 Whenever Catherine Brown, a 37-year.old journali

Whenever Catherine Brown, a 37-year.old journalist, and her friends,professionals in their 30s and early 40s,meet at a London caf6,their favorite topic of conversation is relationships:men’s reluctance to commit,wo men’s independence,and when to have children--or,increasingly,whether to have them at all.“With the years passing my chances of having a child go down,but I Won’t malty anyone just to have a child,”says Brown.To people like Brown,babies are great_if the timing is right.But they’re certainly not essential.
In much of the world,having kids is no longer a given.“Never before has childlessness been
an understandable decision for women and men in so many societies,” says Frank Hakim at the London School of Economics.Young people are extending their child—free adulthood by postponing children until they are well into their 30s.or even 40s and beyond.
A growing share are ending up with no children at all.Lifetime childlessness in western Ger-many has hit 30 percent among university—educated women,and is rapidly rising among lower—class men.In Britain,the number of women remaining childless has doubled in 20 years.
The latest trend of childlessness does not follow historic patterns.For centuries it was not unusual for a quarter of European women to remain childless.But in the past.childlessness was usually the product of poverty or disaster.of missing men in times of war.Today the decision to have—or not have——a child is the result of a complex combination of factors,including relationships,career
Opportunities,lifestyle and economics.
In some cases childlessness among women can be seen as a quiet form of protest.In Japan,support for working mothers hardly exists.Child care is expensive,men don’t help out,and some companies strongly discourage mothers from returning to work.“In Japan,it's career or child,”says writer Kaori Haishi.It’s not just women who are deciding against children;according to a re- cent study,Japanese men are even less inclined to marry or want a child.Their motivations,though,may have more to do with economic factors.
Catherine Brown and her friends feel that having children is not __________. A.totally wise
B.a huge problem
C.a rational choice
D.absolutely necessary


无处分权的人处分他人财产,经(  )追认或者无处分权的人订立合同后取得处分权的,该合同有效。

无处分权的人处分他人财产,经(  )追认或者无处分权的人订立合同后取得处分权的,该合同有效。 A.权利人 B.法定代理人 C.法院 D.仲裁机构


保修期自(  )起计算。

保修期自(  )起计算。 A.竣工申请报告之日 B.投标截止时间 C.应付工程价款之日 D.实际竣工日期


处分共有的不幼产或者动产以及对共有的不动产或者动产做重大修缮的,应当经占份额(  )以上的按份共有人或者全体共同共有人同

处分共有的不幼产或者动产以及对共有的不动产或者动产做重大修缮的,应当经占份额(  )以上的按份共有人或者全体共同共有人同意。 A.1/2 B.1/3 C.2/3


工程资料验收的内容不包括(  )。

工程资料验收的内容不包括(  )。 A.工程人员资料验收 B.工程财务资料验收 C.工程技术资料验收 D.工程综合资料验收



有关气雾剂中药物吸收影响因素的叙述,正确的有 A.发挥全身作用的吸人气雾剂,雾滴的粒径一般以0.5~1μm为宜 B.发挥全身作用的吸人气雾剂,雾滴的粒径愈小愈
